
 After finalizing the initial Doing Dreams projects, the question arose how to continue working with these children after they did all this work to develop their dream. The key answer to opening up their view to their possibilities is connection. Often the world where they want to work in, which may be an architecture studio, ministry, bank or dance school, is not even close to the world they live in. We developed workshops for them to find out more about the field they want to work in, to get an image of which talents they have and what they need to develop. The most important goal of these workshops is that there to establish a connection between them and a new world. These workshops are organized with local partners near the school. The first two workshops are:

How to become an artist?”

For this workshop the group goes to a famous Dutch architect studio, to see and experience how it is to be a creative professional, outside the traditional arts. They go to an artist collective, where they interviewed several artists in their studios to find out how it really is to live like an artist. Finally, they go to the Academy of Fine Arts, where they see how it is to be a student there, and practice different art techniques. Everywhere the questions are: ‘What is being an artist all about?’ and ‘Which talents do I have and need to develop to become an artist?’ This workshop is led by a successful artist.

How to become an entrepreneur?”

In this workshop the students learn which possibilities exist in the field of being an entrepreneur, what fits with their own talents and how to make and maintain connections in their work field. They visit the local Chamber of Commerce, an international company and an entrepreneur who is specialized in networking. This workshop is led by an experienced HRM manager.

As a result of the workshop, the students get to know the possibilities in the field in which they want to work, make connections with people there and make a plan with the next steps for they will take to realize their dream.

Often local organizations like Rotary clubs like to sponsor these workshops. For a full program of these workshops or any questions, contact us.