
Ruth Cabral Troncarelli is a school in Itaquera, an area in the periphery of São Paolo. This school is opened mornings, afternoons and evenings, and offers its students as much development as possible, in the form of projects. It is a public school, and normally students need to get a scholarship when they want to study afterwards.

Amarantis Onderwijsgroep, IJdoorn College. This school organization stands for connection. Their mission is to give their students more than just an education, and also to be innovative. Social participation, giving and receiving feedback, respect for each other and finding your place in society are all important values. On this school we did the first Doing Dreams project and these students are in the book, which was sponsored by Amarantis.

Imprensa Oficial is a state editor in Brazil. The goal of this organization is to make authentic information visible and available for the whole of Brazilian society, with social change as a result. The organization is nationally and internationally known for its innovation qualities and excellence. This editor published the book Doing Dreams in Brazil, and sponsored the project.

Consulate of The Netherlands in São Paulo represents The Netherlands in the southern states of Brazil. The consulate initiates and supports exchange between Brazil and The Netherlands in the areas of trade and culture. The consulate is a sponsor of Doing Dreams in Brazil, as a part of their cultural activities.

The 1% club is a marketplace where people who want to contribute money, experience and knowledge can meet small-scale developmental projects. Projects contributing to the millennium goals all over the world participate and exchange experience and knowledge. Through the 1 % club over 200 people already donated money, time and experience to Doing Dreams.

The Dutch Chamber of Commerce works with us on the workshops, where they provide information and experience. This is part of their educational program.

The Public library of Amsterdam exhibited the photos of Doing Dreams and hosts workshops for primary schools.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam is a renowned institute where students learn to work from their own fascination for art and culture to work together with others to teach them as well. They work with us on the workshops, here they successfully host a group of students and introduce them to all aspects of learning to be an artist.

Artists collective ‘Nieuw en Meer’ (New and More) is a place where art and education come together in an interdisciplary space. Artist, creative professionals of all kinds and companies work in the same environment. This place full of inspiration is a partner of Doing Dreams in several projects and workshops.

Architecture Studio HH is the studio of one of the most famous architects in Holland, Herman Herzberger. They work with us on the workshops and give the students an experience of how it is to work as a creative professional.